My two oldest daughters are really lucky to each have a friend their
age that both lives in our neighborhood and goes to church with us.
They have enjoyed spending a lot of time together this summer. Most of
that time has been unstructured fun time, but the mom of my daughter's
friends and I have also tried to give them some structured learning
fun, as well. So, every week they go to their friends' house for
cooking/baking class, and every week they come here for art class.
It has been really fun teaching them art. I've tried each week to teach
them a little art appreciation, talking about art history and focusing
on a different master artist each week. Last week we were learning
about "Abstract Expressionism" and "Action" art, with a focus on
Jackson Pollack. And so our project was, of course, to do a painting in
his style:
They called it "Kitty Slip" because it looked like a kitty slipped through the paint. At the end of summer we will have an art show to show of their work and sample some of their tasty cooking. It should make for a fun evening!