Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Works For Me: Review 2

Okay, I'm done reading the WFMW over at Rocks in My Dryer. It takes a huge amount of time to go through them all, but I have picked up some great ideas, so I perservere! The fact that my daughter has an ear infection and wanted to be held all day was a good excuse! These are my favorite "I'll be trying this one" ideas. Hopefully by posting my list, I'll actually remember to implement them:

Barb has a great container idea for storing picnic supplies in an easily transportable way to the table.

Sue Has a way to keep restaurant coupons and other promotions handy in the car so you'll actually use them.

Kim is welcoming ideas about dealing with kids shoes and shares what she does. Check her comments.

Jenn suggests a portable sewing kit for mending purposes. She has a clever container idea for it, too.

Shalee has a gift idea for graduates that would also be good for christmas gifts for college aged family members and missionaries.

Lammy Ann has an idea that will keep my potatoes growing in my garden and no longer in my kitchen. Plus, save me cooking time.

Gabriela has a fun, artistic and portable way to entertain the kids.

Meg suggests quick digitial scrapbooking through Shutterfly. I must check this out.

Stephanie tells how to keep your drinks cold on the run.

Jeana has yet another laundry tip, but a good one. She talks about how she sorts her laundry and how she gets her kids to help with the laundry.

Kim from Hiraeth has a suggestion for bringing the outdoors in through greenery.

Rebecca has a couple tasty sounding freezer meal recipes.

Speaking of freezers, Grammy has the most organized freezer on the planet, I believe. Check her site to get the skinny on how she does it.


  1. I've been trying to get my post up all day. Obviously there is some gene for technical sauvy that eludes me. Hopfully before midnight I can get in on the game. I hope your little one is feeling better. Thanks for the synopsis.

  2. My goodness you are efficient! Thanks for the link :-) I'm so sorry your little one is not feeling well. You sound like such a devoted Mommy!

  3. Thanks for compiling this list. This list SO works for me Wednesday.

  4. I love this sinopsis (sp?). It's hard for me to look at everyone's so I like taking tips from you on what was useful. Thanks for taking the time to do it!
